Escrito por Manel Jarrega
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Facility Management applied to the industrial world is not new, but it has not been identified until
recently with the discipline of Facility Management. We understand Facility Management as:
The management of material resources and support services necessary for the development of
the activities of a company or organization, contributing to the business objectives.
(definition of the Catalan Association of Facility Management ACFM
But this is not only a local definition. If we see the ISO definition for Facility Management
we have that the FM is the “organizational function that integrates people, places and processes within the built environment with the purpose of improving people's quality of life and productivity of the main business".
We already see that we are referring to a global scale applicable to EVERY company or organization. By both FM techniques are applicable to the industry for the improvement and optimization of the management of NON-CORE BUSINESS activities. Following this trend worldwide, new profiles are needed with greater capacities that we will comment on in this article.
Industrial maintenance is a very important part of the activity of a Facility Manager industrial, but its activity goes beyond that as can be seen in the table below.
For this, professional profiles with a great capacity are needed to be able to manage globally
the non-CORE business of a company. To name a few:
• Internal teamwork capacity
• Adaptability or tolerance to change
• Orientation to results
• Customer orientation
• Management and planning skills
• Problem solving and management
• Communicative skills
• Initiative and proactivity
• Creativity
• Continuous learning
• Decision making
• Ability to manage projects and processes.
• Coordination and management
• Synthetic and analytical skills
• Time management
This is being applied to industrial companies at present with savings that can be between 10 and 15% even in our national geography.
The fact of the implementation of the Industrial FM in small and medium industrial companies has great potential, since it is precisely in these companies where it is most critical to be able to dedicate themselves to their business (CORE BUSINESS) and to be able to have a professional (internal or external) to manage all NON-CORE activities. Consider that industries with between 50 and 250 employees, despite representing only 2.3% of the total number of companies (4,394), employ practically 30% (446,365 people) and represent 20.6% of business volume ( 115,844 million euros). If the level of internationalization is observed, it is concluded that the industry with between 50 and 249 employees has an export percentage in the sale of its products of 35.3%, which is 3 points above the large company and more than 15 of the small business with between 10 and 49 employees. Therefore we can conclude that this industrial segment has enormous challenges ahead and therefore it makes sense to focus on its BUSINESS and the application of optimization and management with FM techniques.
The appearance of companies such as MYC Facility Industrial with its expertise in the application of FM to the
Industry is a very interesting novelty that is in line with what is happening worldwide with FM and its extension to all segments, from the environment of buildings, smart cities and obviously the industrial environment.
The industrial sector is in need of a reorganization of its activities to tackle the new energy challenges, circular economy, maintenance 4.0, digitization and management and the answer is the application of Industrial Facility Management
Escrito por Manel Jarrega
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